Manchester City Football School - Terms of Participation:

Thank you for your interest in Manchester City FC's (the Club) youth training programs run under the name Manchester City Football Schools (MCFS). We aim to provide the best football coaching in Australia and we look forward to welcoming your child into our program.

The following are the terms and conditions for our MCFS programs. By enrolling your child into our program, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact MCFS prior to completing your registration.

  1. Participation in a program involves an element of risk that is inherent in the playing of football and interacting with other people in an environment of physical contact. By enrolling your child in a MCFS program, you, on your own and on behalf of your child, fully accept and agree to bear such risk.
  2. To participate in a MCFS session your child must:
    • be appropriately registered and paid up for that session; participation in a previous term program or holiday program does not entitle your child to a place in any other program
    • wear MCFS kit where this has been mandated and provided to you
    • wear suitable shin pads
    • not be wearing any jewellery as it can cause physical injury to your child or other participants
    MCFS reserve the right to exclude your child from a training session if they fail to comply with these requirements.
  3. Please ensure your child is punctual with their attendance at all sessions arriving at least 5 mins prior to the start time. This enables MCFS to properly record attendance. If your child is late, they may be asked to sit at the side of the session until the trainer has finished the current activity.
  4. It is your responsibility to ensure that your child is has sufficient water for each session and is appropriately protected from the sun including hats and sunscreen where you determine this appropriate.
  5. You agree to inform MCFS of any health concerns regarding your child including any medical conditions, allergies, asthma, injuries or relevant illnesses that MCFS should reasonably be made aware of prior to your child participating in the program. Further, you grant MCFS permission to take your child to a hospital, administer first aid, call for an ambulance or take such other emergency actions as MCFS reasonably determines appropriate in the event of any illness or injury during participation in a program.
  6. You acknowledge that MCFS may take pictures or video footage of your child's participation in a program and may use same for MCFS, Club and related entity publicity, promotional and advertising purposes. By accepting these terms, you agree that copyright and all associated rights in such pictures or video footage is owned by the Club, its related entities or its licensors.
  7. You also acknowledge that, for security purposes, you and your child may be subject to video surveillance and recording undertaken by venue management and security, i.e., CCTV footage of your involvement with the program may be captured and retained.
  8. Your personal information as guardian/parent will be collected by Melbourne City FC for the primary purpose of delivering the Manchester City Football Schools – Australia sessions and events in conjunction with Manchester City FC, including processing of invoices. This information will be shared with Manchester City FC for the purpose of the Program and they may also contact you for direct marketing purposes.
  9. MCFS will collect, retain and disclose personal information submitted to it by you in accordance with Australian privacy laws and its own Privacy Policy available at . MCFS may use, retain or disclose this information for the purposes of:
    • administering the program;
    • contacting you with Club related information and promotions; and
    • sharing with schools and other venue providers so necessary facilities and equipment are provided to assist with the safe delivery of the program.
  10. You release the Club, its employees, contractors and volunteers from any damage, loss, injury or liability (Loss) you or your child may suffer in connection with participation in a program to the extent permitted by law.
  11. The Club may outsource the delivery of a Program in whole or part to a third party, including its related company Melbourne City FC Pty Ltd.

  12. Refunds and Cancelled Sessions

  13. Save as where required by law, refunds will be at the absolute discretion of MCFS and will only be permitted under exceptional circumstances such as if your child has a medical condition which prevents them from any further activity.
  14. Sessions may from time to time have to be cancelled, postponed or changed (including at short notice) for reasons outside the Club's control. These reasons include weather, social health policies, unavailability of venue, unavailability of coach, or instructions from a relevant authority. Where a session
    • has been more than 75% completed at the time of cancellation then the session will be deemed to have been completed. In all other circumstances:
    • the Club will offer an equivalent make-up session on a different day or night to the cancelled session;
    • you will be entitled to a pro rata credit for the cancelled, or partially cancelled session, to use in a parallel term program; or
    • if your child cannot reasonably attend a make-up session or the credit cannot reasonably be used within the current term program, the Club may provide you with a refund for the cancelled session or part thereof.
  15. Unless otherwise agreed in the absolute discretion of the Club, you acknowledge that you will not be provided a make-up session, credit or refund for any sessions that were provided by the Club but that were not attended by you and/or your child.

  16. Code of Conduct

  17. By enrolling your child to participate in a program, you must ensure that your child understands the following conduct requirements and seeks to always comply with them:
    • play with a positive attitude and within the spirit of the game and by the rules of the competition
    • respect and follow the instructions of official coordinators, coaches or volunteer parent/guardians
    • not bully or physically assault another participant, coach, parent or spectator;
    • show respect to all participants and spectators regardless of their gender, race, ability, colour, religion, language, politics, national or ethnic origin or other defining characteristic; and
    • not do anything that brings Manchester City FC or the MCFS Program into disrepute.
  18. By enrolling your child to participate in the program you also agree to:
    • not engage in behaviour that discriminates against any other person based on gender, race, ability, colour, religion, language, politics or national or ethnic origin;
    • not engage in, or threaten to engage in, violent or physical confrontations with any other person;
    • not encourage or inciting players to violence, or similar breaches of competition rules or spirit;
    • express your support by encouraging the participants and not engaging in behaviour designed to belittle, insult, mock or intimidate the participants, other parents, carers, coaches or spectators - even if there is an on-pitch participant mistake or slip up;
    • demonstrate good sportsmanship by respecting and acknowledging good play by all participants;
    • respect and accept the decisions of coaches, including not criticising or arguing about decisions with the coaches during or after the event;
    • unless requested by a coach, do not enter the pitch area during sessions or games;
    • if requested, to immediately modify your behaviour or to leave the ground following a breach of these guidelines; and
    • to refrain from smoking, vaping or drinking alcohol during and in the proximity of a program activity.
  19. You acknowledge breaches of the conduct requirements set out above, are not tolerated and children, parents or guardians who breach the Code risk being asked to leave sessions or being prohibited from attending future sessions or having their child's registration in the program terminated. If you or your child is prohibited from attending future sessions or Programs or your child's registration in the program is terminated for a breach of these requirements, you will not be eligible for a refund.
  20. You understand that if you do not, or your child does not, follow the reasonable instructions of MCFS staff, your child may be excluded from a program or the Programs. If you or your child is excluded from a program or the Programs for not following the reasonable instructions of MCFS staff, you will not be eligible for a refund.
  21. Participants must respect coaches and administration staff of MCFS as well as other attendees in the program and any members of the public in the area in which a program is being conducted. Bad language, violence, rude or disruptive behaviour that interrupts or prevents a session from proceeding will not be tolerated and MCFS reserves the right to remove offenders from a session or a program. Where this occurs, there will be no refund offered.
  22. Parents, guardians, siblings, relatives or acquaintances are not to enter the field of play at any time during a session and must remain at a safe distance away from the training area. Persistent offenders may be asked to leave the site and their child may be asked to leave the Program. Where this occurs, there will be no refund offered.
  23. Your child must be collected from the playing area at the scheduled completion time of the session. If you wish for your child to be collected by a different person, please inform relevant MCFS staff in advance and provide relevant details. If your child is collected more than 15 minutes late on several occasions then your child may be excluded from a program and no refund will be offered.